Weeks 5 & 6--Hamlet--Read acts 1 & 2 during week 5 (February 4 - 8), read acts 3, 4, & 5 during the week of February 11.
Writing: For the week of February 4: Re-write one of your blogs from this semester in the form of a short paper (2-3 pages, roughly 600-900 words).
For the week of February 11: 500 word blog on a scene, speech, character, motif, theme, or problem from Hamlet.
For the week of February 18: 10 comments on last week's Hamlet blogs. A new rule for all English IV blogs, one which shouldn't be necessary but which, based on recent evidence, I now state clearly and succinctly: They're your blogs but also school assignments, so all language used must be appropriate in tone. A slightly more casual, personal tone and style are appropriate to the nature of the blog, but no profanities, vulgarities, or insults will be tolerated. All these will result in negative blog points for the writer, and repeat offenders will be referred to the Dean of Students and the Assistant Head of the Upper School for disciplinary action.
Quizzes: Friday, February 8, Multiple choice No school Friday, February 15, therefore no quiz.
SourceSenecaHamlet online