Week 7: October 9-12 (No school Monday—Columbus Day)
W. Hamlet, act 1, scene 3 ; style 2.8
Th. Hamlet, act 1, scenes 4 & 5; style 2.9
F. Hamlet, act 2 scene 1,; vocab quiz 3 (lessons 7-9)
Week 8: October 15-19
T. Hamlet, act 2, scene 2; style 2.10
W. Hamlet, act 3, scenes 1 & 2; style 2.11
Th. Hamlet, act 3, scenes 3 & 4; style 3.0
F. Hamlet, act 3, scene 4, and act 4, scene 1—no style lesson today
Week 9: October 22—26
T. Subtext assignment due in class and to turnitin.com ("Hamlet subtext"); style 3.1
W Hamlet, finish act 4; style 3.2
Th. Hamlet, act 5; style 3.3
F. finish discussion of Hamlet; vocab quiz 4 (lessons 10-12)
Week 10: October 29—November 2
T. Full period test on Hamlet (ID, passages, 20 minute essay)
W. Metamorphosis, section 1; style 3.4
Th. Metamorphosis, section 2; style 3.5
F. Metamorphosis, section 3; style 3.6
Subtext assignment (due as hard copy and turnitin.com October 23):
Go to http://the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/hamlet/hamlet.3.4.html (also on my “Hamlet links” post). Download act 3, scene 4 from the beginning to Gertrude’s line “I have no life to breathe what thou hast said to me.” (Delete everything beginning with Hamlet’s line “I must to England, you know that?”)
1. Turn this scene into a word processing document. It will be several pages long. If you don’t know how to do this step, ask someone who does.
2. Keep the entire text as it is, except change the name Queen Margaret to Queen Gertrude at the beginning of the scene (a mistake on the web site).
3. Write a paraphrase of Polonius’ first speech. A paraphrase contains exactly the same meaning as the original, only in literal, everyday language.
4. Identify as much subtext as you can. This is the most important part of the assignment. Subtext refers to all the meanings not directly contained in the text. Specifically, as we discussed in class, the subtext contains implied stage directions, the character’s thoughts, feelings, and motives as the lines are being spoken, as well as notes indicating tone of voice, movements, and gestures.
5. Make your paraphrase and subtext easy for me to identify by putting them in a different type face from the text itself. For example, set your additions in bold face to make them stand out from the characters’ lines in the text. Or use a different color, or create a series of subtext footnotes, or something clear and easy to follow.
6. N.B. This is an individual assignment, not group work. Any scripts whose similarities cannot be reasonably explained as coincidental will be dealt with according to the school’s honesty policies.