I won't be with you today as I am home recuperating from a fever. (Congratulations, Claire, Gracie, and the rest of the team. I had to leave at halftime because I was feeling worse).
Everyone has work to do today. AP 1 & 2--your last quiz results were underwhelming. Average score 70% and that includes 3 free points. Otherwise it would have been 64%. Please spend the hour silently reading P&P. Take the vocab quiz first if it's available; otherwise we'll do it next time.
Art of Comp--keep working on your story. The other class had a work day yesterday after my ordeal at the dentist's office and you have one today. If you don't have a laptop, borrow one from the library or Madden Hall or a friend, bring it to the classroom, and work quietly on your story. 8 pages due Friday.
See you tomorrow.--LCC