Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shakespeare--Shylock paper

WHAT: A three- to four-page paper (approximately 1000 words) discussing and evaluating Shakespeare’s presentation of the character of Shylock and the extent to which that presentation either endorses or subverts prevailing Elizabethan anti-Semitism.

WHEN: Papers are due, both hard copy and to, Tuesday, March 2 by noon. Please arrange in advance if extenuating circumstances force you to request an extension.

HOW: Begin by reading the resources available at Prof. Grant Stirling’s web site: You may find other relevant resources, but this site will serve as an introduction to the issues and evidence of this debate. In your essay, show your understanding, both of the topic and of the play, by evaluating the evidence on both sides and presenting your own conclusions.

Since this essay involves some research, be certain both to document your sources and to give credit for ideas as well as direct quotations. Your essays must include a works cited page which should include, at a minimum, the play and the web site listed above.

DETAILS: Include a word count and digital receipt number in your heading. If you still haven’t “enrolled” in the class through, the class number is 1875359, the password pcdswl). Submit your paper under the assignment titled “Shylock paper”. I have created a similar assignment on the home page for AP English for those of you enrolled in that class as well.

SUGGESTIONS: Read all the available information, paying special attention to what you find most persuasive. Give fair treatment to the different sides of the question. In your evaluation, state which ideas you believe are strongest and why. Support your reasons by referring to the play itself.